Norwood Park MLS is useful tool if you are looking to buy or sell property in Norwood Park. For sellers it will allow much needed exposure to your listings. To start your Norwood Park search click on one of the links below:
Contact a Norwood Park Real Estate Expert
If you would like to contact a real estate agent on our Norwood Park Team please call:
312-433-9300 Ext. 40
The Norwood Park Community
North: 6400N (Devon) |
West: 7800W |
East: 6400W (Nagle) |
South: 4800-5200N (Foster/ Lawrence) |
Norwood Park is located on the far northwest side of the city of Chicago. The community is made up of five neighborhoods that include Norwood Park, Big Oaks, Old Norwood, Union Ridge and Oriole Park.
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